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Tendon ruptures

Below is links to useful patient information developed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons


Hamstring tendon avulsion


The majority of hamstring injuries do not require surgery, these generally involve the muscle belly.


While not everyone who ruptures the tendon from bone requires surgery, it is advised in high level athletes.


Surgery is generally advised in athletes to optimise strength recovery. Surgery is advised acutely to prevent muscle retraction and scar tethering the sciatic nerve.

Quadriceps tendon


It is Dr Dan's goal to achieve a strong surgical construct through minimally invasive incisions to recreate the functional amplitude of the muscle tendon unit to maximise rehabilitation to allow tendon loading and optimal tendon remodelling. 


If you have had a failed surgical repair, you may benefit from a tendon reconstruction.


Patellar tendon


It is Dr Dan's goal to achieve a strong surgical construct through minimally invasive incisions to recreate the functional amplitude of the muscle tendon unit to maximise rehabilitation to allow tendon loading and optimal tendon remodelling. 


If you have had a failed surgical repair, you may benefit from a tendon reconstruction.

Achilles tendon


Good outcomes can be achieved with both surgical and non surgical care for Achilles ruptures.


To help you decide which treatment if best for you, see this British Medical Journal Patient information decision aid tool.

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